When it comes to healthy living, there are so many mixed messages out there. So I have compiled some tips to get you started on the healthy road. It’s never too late to turn a new page, or to become a better version of you…Here are my Top Five Do’s and Don’ts to a healthier you.

Top five things to DO:

  1. DO take a little time for yourself no matter what. It’s tough when you have kids screaming at you, and schedules and deadlines to be met, but if you don’t take some quality “me” time, everything will be in jeopardy and one day you might crack! Stop trying to do everything and take on every task. There is only so much your mind will be able to handle. If you can’t get away for a night then go to the library with a good book, check into a local spa for a facial, go to a coffee shop alone and just breathe and flick through a magazine. Whatever you do – do it alone!
  2. DO stay active. It’s so easy to get into a pattern of inactivity. And for some its hard to get to the shop let alone the gym without a toddler hanging out of them, or a boss demanding the latest project on his desk ASAP. So why not incorporate activities into your daily routine. Rather than take the same tube, leave 15 minutes early and walk to the next tube station or the next bus stop. Or rather than always taking the lift, take the stairs instead. And walk up them two and a time, squeezing your butt as you go! Change is as good as a rest, so mix up your daily routine and see what happens to your body AND mind!
  3. DO wear sunscreen. I know it is an age-old reminder, but the sun will really do damage to unprotected skin. Not just increasing the risk of skin cancer, but also ‘tanning’ (think of tanned cow hide, it’s called leather!) so your skin will end up crinkled, wrinkled and looking like an old leather bag! 15 minutes a day without sunscreen is great to get your dose of Vitamin D, which can help to avoid osteoporosis, but after that lash on the SPF. And keep it around 50. You will still get a tan, it just delays the length of time before you burn. Your older self will thank you!
  4. DO take your makeup off, no matter how tired you are! We’ve all been there. Tipsy, drunk, exhausted. The last thing you want to do is face yourself, let alone get the cleanser, moisturiser and cotton wool out. So before you leave the house, get prepared! Take out all your products, line them up, dampen your cotton wool… and make a big effort. Your skin won’t take kindly to being blocked up and greasy come the morning. A few moments before you pass out will really make a difference to your skin in the long run!
  5. DO clear out your current beauty/home cleaning products and replace them with paraben-free cosmetics and cleaning products. Women’s beauty products in particular are shocking. So many of them contain chemicals that are related to developing cancer and also to fertility issues. A few examples are: some Shampoos which can contain up to 15 chemicals, the most worrying are sodium lauryl sulphate and Propelyne Glycol which have the possible side effects of neurological damage in a foetus and possible eye damage. Or deodorant, which has a worrying 11 chemicals, the worst being octinoxate, isophthalates with possible side effects such as allergies and hormone disruptions. The list goes on and on. See my post on the dangers of beauty products (HERE)


Top five things NOT to do. DON’T

  1. DON’T Stress. It’s just as toxic as some of those chemicals. The physiological response to stress a release of cortisol which plays havoc with your hormones, adrenals and also causes belly fat. SO stressing solves absolutely nothing.
  2. DON’T over exercise. A common habit amongst women today – the notion that more=better. Quite the opposite. Your body reads exercise as stress, which in turn releases cortisol and also lowers progesterone levels, so women of child bearing age need to be careful of the amounts of excess exercise they do. In short, too much exercise can negate the good amounts of activity you do. So chill out!
  3. DON’T be too hard on yourself. Beating yourself up is cruel. You wouldn’t berate your best friend for looking a bit bloated, or for missing the bus, or sleeping in by accident. You wouldn’t chastise the love of your life for having an extra slice of cake? So don’t beat yourself up about those things either. You should always try to treat yourself like someone you love.
  4. DON’T drink out of plastic bottles. BPAs in some plastic can be harmful to health/hormone levels. So always aim to drink out of glass bottles when you can, or BPA free plastics (which are becoming widely available now) I use 3 old Perrier bottles, or glass bottles that I have taken from hotels and line them up in the morning, and aim to have them gone by the time I go to bed. It’s a great way to get your daily 3L of water!
  5. DON’T eat processed food. Processed food is a gateway for health concerns. The rule is always to try and eat as close to nature as possible. For example, an organic chicken breast grilled, as opposed to a chicken kiev which has been highly processed. Or a baked sweet potato as opposed to a bag of crisps or chips. If it has a label on it, with ingredients that you can’t understand then chances are you shouldn’t be eating it! Stick to foods that swim, fly, graze or you can pick from the ground or a tree!


So there you go, my top five Do’s and Don’ts to a healthier you!

A x